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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  June 25, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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but police say they need more time to complete their investigation. wjz stays on this high profile story live in randalls town where this started. mike hellgren investigates and has the mother's plea for answers, mike. >> reporter: it's been ten days since her loved one died and she wants answers and wants the officer placed under arrest. >> i don't know what they think i'm dealing with. but i think i've dealt with quite enough. >> reporter: chris brown's mom broke down, she's frustrated and angry that after almost two weeks no charges have been filed against off duty baltimore county officer james lebord who police say chased down her son after he believed the 17-year-old threw a rock at his door. the teen died in the confrontation. >> they said it was the average joe blow or if christopher killed that police officer, vice versa, he would actually be behind bars right now. i would love to have paid for
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his door because there's no more or nothing that could replace my son. >> reporter: police tell wjz they want to be thorough and it does take more time because an officer is involved. >> because he was not on duty at the time the incident occurred, we have to look at the facts and determine whether he was acting in his capacity as an officer or not. >> reporter: mrs. brown says she no longer has faith in the department and wants federal authorities to step in. the state's attorney issue as statement saying although it can be frustrating to all involved, thorough investigations take time to do the job prommerly we cannot rush the process. >> that's not enough for me. now this is where i draw the line. >> reporter: police say there's no timetable for the investigation, the officer is on paid routine administrative leave. >> this is a very serious matter, and it's not something that can be turned around overnight. >> reporter: my son has been
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put to rest and yet, nothings done. >> reporter: mrs. brown says the chief did call her to give her condolences today. police will be reviewing the investigation before it goes to an attorney. mike hellgren, wjz news. >> there's been no comment from the order of police nor his attorney. a fire intentionally set inside of anne arundel coáf county. kai jackson has the details. >> reporter: a fire was set at the anne arundel medical center. there's no suspects but investigators want to question this man seen on surveillance video around the time the fire was set. anyone with information about this man or about the fire itself should call 410-222- 8477. adam. >> kai, thanks. information can be left anonymously. a massive brush fire in
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queen anne's county continues to smolder tonight. at one time the fire went to four alarms causing people to evacuate their homes. wjz stays on the story with derek valcourt. >> reporter: in some cases that fire came just feet away from homes, it took more than 100 firefighters 12 hours to get it under control. forestry workers intentionally burning what's left of the under brush in the 48 acres of woods in the southern area of kent island where a six alarm fire raged on sunday. neighbors woke to the smell of smoke coming from the woods. by afternoon officials mandated an evacuation. >> they said fire, take what you need. you don't have time to think. you just grab what you can and go. >> reporter: the flames raged out of control for hours, as firefighters developed a plan to stop the fire from spreading. almost all of these 48 acres are part of a pine tree farm and part of a problem for firefighters is how dense these
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woods were, they literally had to bring in bulldozers to clear out path ways so they could access the fire. >> reporter: by sunday evening the fire had been contain. but the fire line still posed a health risk so residents were not allowed to return to their home until sunday. many came back at the crack of down. >> probably shouldn't have because the smoke was so heavy it would burn your chest. but i could not stay away any longer waywanted to see if my house was still here -- longer, i wanted to see if my house was still here. >> reporter: though it's under control it's still burning. >> it's going to be until we get sufficient rain or it burns out on its own. >> reporter: residents here are glad their homes were spared and grateful to the firefighters that saved them. investigators going to look into the possibility that that may have sparked the fire. on the eastern shore, derek
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valcourt, eyewitness news. >> one fire fight fire fight -- firefighter went to the hospital with minor injuries. this is the scene here on alligator point florida, a powerful storm with big waves lash it is shore. florida's governor declared a state of emergency just a short time ago. take a look at this. here's a home that was destroyed by a storm here. this is in st. pete beach. the storm is bringing a nasty combination of winds, rain, it's even sparking a new tornadoes. the first weather warning team is closely tracking the storm. bernadette woods has the latest on where debby is right now. >> debby is not moving too much so it's still at the coast. we're going to show you the massive bends that continue to come in off the gulf. notice the bright reds around tallahassee, that is not only flooding rain but that's also potential for some tornadoes. now the bands that extend down to the south not quite as intention as yesterday but they
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are already falling in areas where there's already been a foot of rain and that is going to continue. here's the way it is on the statistics, winds are 40 miles per hour. it is moving off to the northeast barely at 5 miles per hour. and along the track, notice we take it through tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and it's still close to the florida coast. on the track notice it takes it over florida and over the atlantic and strengthens it back up to a tropical storm. so that is still a potential and that could still influence our forecast down the road. now we've got a lot of days to talk about debby so we will keep you updated, back inside. >> bernadette, thanks. and check in for the latest on tropical storm debby. a ruling on by the u.s. supreme court on arizona's immigration law is getting
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mixed reaction. both sides are claiming victory. >> reporter: the supreme court has rejected key parts of arizona's crack down on illegal immigration. in reading the five three majority opinion, justice anthony kennedy said the court agreed with the obama administration. immigration falls under federal not state jurisdiction. the decision struck down a requirement that all immigrants carry registration papers and a provision that made it a state crime for them to seek work. the high court did unanimously say the most controversial part of the 2010 law requiring police check the immigration status of those they stopped could go forward prompting arizona's republican governor to declare victory. >> the heart of senate bill 1070 has been proven to be constitutional. >> reporter: the majority of justices also ruled that police cannot arrest people on minor immigration charges. and they left the door open to other legal challenges to the law. >> it has essentially opened
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the flood gates. it's opened the flood gates to racial profiling. >> reporter: in a statement president obama said he was pleased the court struck down most of arizona's law. and once again called on congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. mitt romney's campaign released a statement saying the ruling proves the need for stronger leadership in the oval office. at the supreme court, daniel knottingham, wjz eyewitness news. five other states have adopted versions of the arizona law and they were all on hold until the court ruled on this case. now the baltimore where the city council approved the city's budget. the mayor's $2.3 billion spending plan will take effect in july. it closes a $48 million budget shortfall. it's going to force the closure of at least four recreation centers in august. just a few while ago the player
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sent a statement thanking the council. pat warren explains that 83%, yeah 83% say they want expanded gambling on the november ballot. >> reporter: a plan for a special session to put gaming proposals on the ballot was derailed by members. now citizens are getting involved. this month the taxpayers protection alliance mailed a message to maryland warning against a lower tax. >> you get a tax break the other guy doesn't. >> reporter: but the washington trade counsel is airing this ad supporting the proposals. >> they ought to be creating opportunities like this and putting folks to work is what they should be doing. >> reporter: 53% believed the
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state's slot plans can be better. 52% support table games and that goes up to 57% when jobs are taken into cust. 58% believe the governor and legislators should work harder to come to agreement. and opinion works asked voters if national harbor should be rejected because of competition to anne arundel mills. >> 52% said no, you should go on with the deal. >> reporter: there's a voter fatigue seeing gambling coming up again and again, they want to see it get done now. >> differences have yet to be resolved. a delightful start to the workweek. a live look outside right now, sunny and dry. it is not as dry and sunny as it has been lately. bob turk is in the weather center. >> take a look at radar, last month of showers way down to
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the south. there's a little thundershower right over ocean city getting moving outs over the ocean. should be gone, yes should be gone any second. right over ocean city. at least it's moving out but we have some heavy rain, maybe even some gusty winds and even possibly a little hail, we've had reports of that over the region this afternoon. take a look at tomorrow however. big change as low pressure to our north brings in drier and cooler air for about the next two to three days before we see another warm up. but temperatures actually going to be going below average. we're talking upper 70s to low 80s until the end of the week. then we go back into the 90s. >> thanks so much, he's already the most successful olympian of all time and now, michael phelps is competing for the
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olympic team. jessica kartalija reports how everybody already has phelps fever. >> reporter: everybody talking about how exciting it is to watch him. and no doubt he's going to make it to london. adding tonight the competition in the 200. and he also talked about the mustache he was sporting that he of course shaved before the race. >> reporter: michael phelps is looking to add more to his collection. >> we want to win, that's just how we are. >> reporter: the olympic trials continue. with phelps going against his friend and rival. in baltimore phelps training facility, everyone has phelps fever. the talk around the pool is about phelps at the trial. >> i think that he's doing -- i
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think he's really good. and he's probably going to win. >> it's good and passionate and people always think about him that he is good. >> reporter: phelps and lofty bring a dynamic to the pool. since the beijing olympics, swimming has gained popularity. >> he's a great swimmer and my kids are looking up to him. and especially the kids around baltimore and throughout the nation. >> reporter: he needs to finish in the top two to compete in the olympic >> if he can win six medals in beijing he can win it in london. >> reporter: and we certainly think that's the case. now in addition to lofty and phelps a lot of talk on chase kalish of baltimore, he could be our next olympian to watch. i'm jessica kartalija. >> i guess that mustache isn't slowing him down there.
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no drink in the water. >> i asked jokingly, what about the stash isn't that going to slow him down. and he said of course he shaved it last night. i guess there is some truth to that. >> more than 1,800 swimmers qualified for the trials, fewer than 50 will make it on to london. >> that's so funny because that's what we were talking about the mustache. >> yeah, it had to go. >> it's gone. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. >> 30 airmen are back in the u.s. we'll have their homecoming coming up. >> the maryland court of appeals rule that pit bulls are inherently dangerous. we're going to show you how a the shelter is speaking out.
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>> and another sandusky juror speaks out. >> we're going to have the latest weather check. ,,,,,,,,,
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it's partly sunny out there and 83. the complete forewarning forecast is coming up. the fate of pit bulls in maryland could be decided tomorrow. new laws could be introduced.
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now some animal shelters are bracing for the worse. bianca is up for adoption at the spca but staff fears she could be here for a long time. the court has new rules on pit bull attacks. >> why did you start this project pit bull? >> to our dogs happy while they're here. we thought we were going to see a spike in dogs. >> reporter: specifically dog depression from being homeless too long. so bianca gets extra training and attention. >> she has the power if she's going to touch this stick, and she does and she gets a treat. >> reporter: last week the council heard from reactions. >> i don't want to see anybody lose their dog but i almost lost my son. that's something that needs to be recognized loud and clear. >> reporter: the pit bull owners who have protested
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outside the state house call the dog ruling dog discrimination. back in the spca geronimo is a also in the pit bull hold. >> now waiting for a new family or lawmakers to give him another chance. a panel has all kinds of options they could decide or require dog owners to carry insurance or expand liability laws to all breeds not just pit bulls we will find out the details tomorrow. a big welcome home for 30 members of the airmen air national guard they are returning from a 90 day deployment in afghanistan. rochelle richie is there are if the homecoming. >> reporter: it's a day they've
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anticipated for a long time, waiting for daddy to return. >> it's hard, it's hard on their kids, we know they've really missed their daddy. we've been able to skype once a week but it's still not enough. >> reporter: at the time, their one year old begins were just walking. >> we're hoping he can walk over to daddy to show him his new moves. >> reporter: after a 90 day deployment, today they landed at the air national guard base at exactly 1400 hours. it's the first time matt is seeing his 1-year-old son walk. >> another mobile child. but it's going to be fun, it's going to be exciting. >> reporter: the mission to deliver cargo and other supplies for the army. it's the first time the squadron has been in command.
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>> if it wasn't for us bringing the supplies they would be driving. it's much more difficult. with ambushes. >> it's the best part of the trip, always good to be home. >> reporter: back to you. >> the aircraft used bid the airmen during their deployment is also more cost effective. >> those first step videos are always so cute. mom, dad, let's go. we have great weather headed our way. really a beautiful cool night and beautiful weather for a few days. humidity only 26, 6% north- northwest winds at 14 miles per hour. on the way we'll look at that nice forecast right after this. ,,,,,[ male announcer ] if your kid can recognize your sneeze from a crowd...
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you're probably muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. all right, some beautiful weather headed our way, cool nights, nice days and then a warm up. so enjoy the next few days. take a look at temps it's really pleasant out there. even though it's 85 the dewpoint is so low. the 85 actually feels like 80 degrees. yes, it goes in the reverse direction. take a look at these temps, oakland is down to 64 degrees, that is some chilly air for you
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in this month 74 in cumberland, 78 right now. if you're down there look out there could be some lightning with that. 79 elkton and 85 in tc. temperatures ranging from the upper 70s to low to mid-eight -- mid-80s. it'll get down into the mid-50s easily so really pleasantly cool night tonight. this is about as warm as we get, tomorrow upper 70s maybe just 80 degrees. to the west, here's the heat. some of this will be here by the end of the week so enjoy these cool temps. 100 in memphis, 102 in dallas and in denver, phoenix not so bad really for them 104. that's pretty normal. but for us in the east, see that cooler air to the north, 70s, basically that's headed our way it'll moderate some what. northwest winds now at 14. we've had gusts 25 and 30 at times, there is an increased fire danger because of the dry air. there's debby still causing heavy rain particularly in north florida, panhandle area. some of the stuff in the south
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has dried up a bit. for us the front moving off the east coast taking shower and thunderstorms activity with it. dry and cool air tonight, tomorrow, wednesday and after that the high moves out. the heat will build for the end of the week. so love these days as you can. gusty winds at five to 10 knots. for tonight clear, comfortably cool. 56 by morning. tomorrow sunny, dry, 80 degrees maybe a few puffy clouds in the afternoon because the cold air coming in. we should stay dry for the rest of this week, that's why there's a fire danger. so be careful. danger on a plate. a surprising new study about children with food allergies and how often they have a
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reaction. >> she's the bullied bus monitor, now new changes the incident could bring about. tracking tropical storm debby, the latest on the impact on tphrár n.
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it is 6:30, 85 degrees and nice and sunny out there good evening everyone thanks for staying with wjz. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. a state of emergency declared for florida as a very slow moving tropical storm debby is drenching the coast. florida could get 22-inches of rain before this storm finally gets out of the way. >> reporter: rough sees are pounding alligator point florida as debby stalls. there's a mandatory evacuation for people living in low lying area around franklin county. heavy rain is drenching northern florida as debby crawling toward the coast. forecasters say flooding is the biggest concern. there's a potential for as much as 25-inches of rain to fall in some areas.
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there's also a threat of tornadoes, people who live in pasagrove florida said one tore through their community sunday night. >> it just came through like a freight train, it lifted a concrete table, threw it about 15, 20 feet. >> reporter: debby is causing dangerous conditions throughout florida. the coast guard used a helicopter to rescue a family of nine and their dogs. an estimated 4 million people along the gulf are expected to feel the effects of the debby. florida's governor declared a state of emergency. >> everybody needs to be very cautious. don't take anything for granted and really take care of your family. >> reporter: debby isn't expected to make land fall until thursday. and first warning weather coverage continues with meteorologist bernadette woods who is tracking debby right now, bernadette. >> and we're beginning to say that because that's the case.
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we're going to be talking about debby straight through the weekend. let's go to doppler radar and show you the current on debby. still just pummeling florida with rounds of heavy rain. this line continues all the way out into the gulf. those streams are going to continue to come in with the threat of tornadoes. even though it looks like it cuts off right here, we don't have radar past that line so there could be more coming. the latest on debby is like this, winds about 45 miles per hour, it is barely moving off to the northeast at 5 miles per hour. and along this track it will take it across the florida peninsula and back out into the atlantic and on that side it could regain some strength and possibly still affect us here in maryland. you notice almost all of the forecast models are taking it off to the east. almost all i said, we will keep you updated on this. >> stay with, wjz for unsubstantiate updates on debby
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-- for instant updates on debby. the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial may be over but the story surely is not. >> reporter: sandusky's lawyers say they were not given enough time to prepare their defense and that could be the focus of their appeal. sandusky is in jail tonight since friday. more members of the jury are slowly coming forward talking about the trial and their perception of the former penn state assistant coach. >> we watched him defeat how he would react and there was, very little reaction. and i think that we felt that that he knew what he had done. >> reporter: now that sandusky is convicted. the next step in the criminal process is to determine the extent if any of penn state's culpability. specifically did anyone know of the abuse and why did they not stop it, adam. >> sandusky faces up to 400
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years in prison when he's sentenced later on this summer. the vacation and retirement fund for karen kline continues to grow. she is the western new york bus monitor being bullied. karen kline is inspiring people across the world to stand up to bullies after being harassed by middle school studentless. karen hopes her video will change behavior on buses. >> i think policy will be changed. i don't know if anything will change but we'll find out. >> reporter: both bus drivers and monitors joined to support kline. she believes students should be punished for their actions with community service or suspension. >> i'm sorry to say but it had
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to start with somebody, and god used karen to be an example. >> reporter: students came out to show support for karen, one student who was bullied herself wrote her a letter. >> just trying to support her because she has had such a hard time it's just a letter to make her feel comfortable and trying to help her through what she experienced on that bus. >> reporter: karen says she can't believe the attention this controversy has gained. she believes her story can serve as a lesson. >> it's like, all of this is coming up, everybody is talking about it. >> reporter: kline is not pressing charges against the boys but the investigation is continuing. 19-year-old lorenzo hall jr. and another man tried to
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rob several men. when one victim tried to run, hall shot him. also in anne arundel county a high school celebration party gets out of control. while responding calls of gunfire and stabbings went out for the same party. in all officers found one person shot and several people stabbed. none of the injuries are life threatening. the trial pitting benjie's drive in against the store says shines too much on the screen. why furniture retailer are booming during the tight economy and the former terp stand up opens up about his suspension and preparing for the nba draft. for all these stories and a whole lot more read the baltimore sun. most preschoolers of food allergies still have serious
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reactions despite their parents best efforts to try to protect their children. tonight in this health watch report, randall pinkston reports some surprising findings from a new study in the journal pediatrics. little barry holden was just a baby when her mom gave her yogurt for the first time. >> as soon as i gave it to her she broke out, hives head to toe. >> reporter: baby holden was allergic to the yogurt and nuts. >> there have been times when barry will break out in one small hive and we think, it might have been something in what he ate. >> reporter: the studies authors also note that half of the reactions happened when someone other than the parent was watching the child.
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>> we need to talk to the parents about making sure everyone who takes care of the child really understands all the nuances of how to successfully avoid the food. >> reporter: the study found that parents and care givers gave medicines to children only about 30% of the time. >> it's really better if you're in doubt to go ahead and inject it. you're not going to hurt anyone if they didn't really have to have it but you could save their lives. >> reporter: barry's mom makes sure she always had an epi pen with her. >> reporter: barry has outgrown her food allergies but she will always have to be careful about what she eats. >> swelling in the throat, fainting and nausea are some of the reactions. when in doubt parents should go
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ahead and use their,epi pen. a new day in egypt, what happens next. from the weather center, dry sunny weather returns cool nights for a few day, i have your five day forecast. >> and wjz13 is always on, here are the stop stories on at this hour. for all the updates on today's news just log on to ,,
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investigators are on the scene of deadly crash in south africa. at least 15 people were killed when this bus flipped in johannesburg. more than 50 passengers were rushed to the hospital. several others had to be cut from the wreckage. an investigation is now under way. in egypt, tens of thousands of people celebrate after the country names an islamic leader in its first democratic elections. >> reporter: some are sleeping off the long night of
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celebration in cairo. hundreds are camping out the morn after muhammad morsi was elected president in egypt's first free election. crowds cheered when morsi was confirmed the winner. -- >> reporter: and morsi is an american trained engineer, he studied in california before returning to egypt and entered politics. the storm is triggering a lot of storms in the area. a neighbor caught wade boarding. i think that looks like fun mary. would you do that? >> no. >> your boys would do it i know that. >> yeah. >> the storm expected to dump a lot of rain. looks like this guy will be going proby the time this is all said and down. he's going to have a lot of time to practice. hopefully those water levels do not hit the homes. hopefully the flooding doesn't
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cause a lot of property damages. >> it's created a little fun for some. scott pelley has the preview of what's coming up on the cbs evening news. >> relentless wildfires are burning in seven western states with thousands evacuated in colorado. how bad can it get? that's tonight on the cbs evening news. >> all right and here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. the dow falls more than 100 points we're going to be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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a fantastic start to the final week of june. a live look outside right now, enjoy this while it lasts the heat is coming back soon. bob turk and meteorologist bernadette woods are updating the forecast for us. we're going to start outside where it is just lovely with bernadette. >> it really is, it's gorgeous out here this evening. if you haven't gone out recreptly take a walk outside, sit outside if you have a porch, take this in because it is going to be changing. tomorrow we have another beautiful one for you. we start out in the 50s, 58 in the morning as we head into the afternoon. only topping out at about 80 degrees. then we start to drop for another comfortable evening. but with the rest of the five
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day with the heat returning here's bob. >> enjoy these days because it's going to get hot again. 81 and hot, 85 wednesday, that's just about normal. up to 91. still rather dry but humidity comes back up and the temperatures go back up. probably on sunday 95 before it cools down again. >> all right, bob. thank you. still to come, what a weekend for the o's, sell out crowds over the win over nationals. >> it was a good game,,,,,,,,,,,
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mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report. it is nice to keep talking about the o's and winning ways. >> if they can just do it for the next three months. >> just one day at a time. >> they're at the midpoint in the season. the o's remain in play off contention. just 2-1/2 places behind the yankees. the o's have a day off today before they welcome another hot team tomorrow, the l.a.
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angels. camden stadium was packed to capacity more than 84,000 fans for the game against washington. jake arrietta allowed six runs. arrietta showing huge improvement and he says the biggest difference for him is in his head. >> i would say this year the mental side of the game has affected me the worse in my career thus far. and that's just part of the maturization process pitching that the level. that's something you have to go through and battle through it and find ways to you know implement positives and that's what i've been able to do. >> reporter: the o's are actually scoring fewer runs than they were as a last place win a year ago. but obviously they're scoring enough. matt wieters delivered this run yesterday. that accounted for all the runs
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the o's needed in the 2-1 victory. the l.a. angels in town for a two game series that starts tomorrow night. looking to improve the o's won't look at miguel tejada for help. he asked for and was granted his release after attempting a come back for the o's minor league team in norfolks. tejada has two stints with the o's big league team. the former mvb is now 38 years old. the nba draft is this week and forming terp sconeland is speaking out for the first time since his early departure in the university the áf back in april. he left when he learned he was being suspended for a violation of the student code of conduct. the suspension came as a complete shock he says, when it happened coach turgen encouraged him to enter the nba draft. he also denies that he was suspended for using marijuana.
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most scouts don't believe he'll be drafted by an nba team this thursday. dwayne wade riding with the trophy, second time he's helped the heat win a title. first time for lebron james who was named the finals mvp. the party moved indoors, 15,000 fans greeted the champs. for years, venus ways -- venus williams had been the queen of the court. now unseeded the five time wimbledon champ knocked out in four sets. the first time williams has failed to get past the first round in wimbledon. she's been playing wimbledon for 15 years to put it in perspective. >> almost ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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don't miss this cbs prime time line up, that's followed by eyewitness news tonight at 11:00. a rare dead heat in the
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olympics trial will come down to a coin toss or run off. rivas and thomas tied for the final spot. the athletes will decide how they want to break it but not until they compete in the 200s. one baby bear wishes he was curious george. the cub got stuck in this garage. mama bear comes to the rescue. she managed to open the garage door from the outside and get her cub out peacefully. >> the video keeps rolling. they eventually make it down the ladder and into the woods. >> pelley: tonight, the supreme court rules. in a series of major decisions, the court answers three questions: can states impose
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their own immigration laws? can children be sentenced to life in prison? and is there a limit to money in politics? we have a team of correspondents covering. western wildfires are raging. the worst in colorado in a decade. and texas builds a navy. anna werner on the effort to stop the drug runners' latest tactic-- the splashdown. >> they know once they get back into the water they're safe. all they've got to the do is swim home. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening, in a big day at the supreme court the most controversial question was on illegal immigration. specifically can the states impose their own immigration laws if they believe that the federal government has failed to do its job in the case before the court came from arizona, which passed its own law in 2010.


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